OSTIKC English
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
بالله من الشيطان الرجيم. بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم. الحمد لله الذي جعل الدين رباطا
بين قلوب المؤمنين. وامر باتحاد وتعاون, ونهى عن الفحشاء والمنكر والتنازع فى
كتابه الكريم. والصلاة والسلام على سيدنا المرسلين, وعلى اله واصحابه اجمعين.
قال الله
تعالى فى القران الكريم, اعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم. بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم.
سبحان الذى اسرى بعبده ليلا من المسجد الحرام الى المسجد الاقصى الذى باركنا حوله
لنريه من آيتنا انه هو السميع البصير.
اما بعد
Excelency of all ‘alim ulama’
Excellency KH. A.Hisyam syafaat as
the leader of Darussalam Islamic boarding school.
Honorable regent of Banyuwangi Mr.
Ir. Syamsul hadi honorable audience and dear happy brother and sister whom I
love there is not a beautiful word what can we deliver this night as human live
just thank to God who has been giving the mercies and blessing until we can to
meet together in this of isro’ mi’roj our prophet Muhammad SAW. It’s was hold
by organization by student by able bodies.
Sholawat and salam just to our
prophet Muhammad SAW. The last massanger of Alloh who has guided and saved the
human life fron the darkness to the justice from the politheism to the
lightness and out of human life from the darkness to the ligness namely islam
relegion in this truth.
Dear my audience ladies and
By allow of Alloh Friday night on
seventeen of April 2004 Masehi. To concide with on thirteen of Robi’ul awwal 14
25 Hijriyah. The program of isro’ mi’roj our prophet Muhammad SAW. Formally
open by program bellow.
The first agenda is opening, let’s
open our agenda by reading alfatihah may our tonight, something be able to run
well by allow of Alloh على نيتنا الصالحة,
Now we step to the second agenda
namely reading holy qur’an it is going to be read by Mr. Fauzan ihsan, the time
is yours.
Thank so much for the reader.
The third agenda is cimmitees
perfact of Isro’ mi’roj prophet Muhammad SAW it is going to be deliver by Mr.
Imam nawawi, the time is yours.
Thank so much for the reader
The fourth agenda is resting.
Dear my audiences, ladies and
gentleman, resting is up.
The next agenda is the aim of
isro’ mi’roj our prophet Muhammad SAW. It is going to be deliver by Mr. KH.
Ahmad hisyam syafa’at. The time is available.
Thank so much for him.
Dear my audiences, ladies and
The last agenda is closing or
praying. It is going to be deliver by Mr. KH. Muslimin. The time is yours.
Thank so much for him.
And this what can I conveyed and
as chair woman. If I had been mistakes on it. I would like you to pardon me and
thank you very much for your attention and the last I say….
والسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته.
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركا ته.
لله الدى انعم علينا بنعمة الايمان والاسلام وارسل رسوله على كافة الامم .
والصلاة والسلام على سيدنا محمد خير الانام وعلى اله واصحبه الكرام .اما بعد
Excellency KH. Ahmad hisyam syafa’at
syafa’at the chief of Darussalam Islamic boarding school Blokagung.
Excellency the leader of syuriyah
NU East java KH.Masduki mahfudz from malang.
The honorable Ir. H. Syamsul hadi
the regent of Banyuwangi and his members.
And all my loving audiences in
In the name of Alloh the most
gracious and the most merciful no word nice spoken in this opportunity, except
thank, to our god, lord and king of the king of the world. Who has given us his
mercy and blessing, till we can meet together, in commemoration of the bird, of
our prophet Muhammad peace be open him tonight without any troubles.
Peace and solution be with to the
noble prophet Muhammad the last messenger of Alloh who has guided us from the
darkness to the lightness and has thought us the real meaning meaning of life.
The big ceremony of commemoration
prophet Muhammad birth day, peace be open him on Friday 12th of
april 2004, let’s open our program by reciting alfatihah together.على هذه النية الفاتحة
Reading of holy qur’an by the best qori’ of Darussalam islamic
boarding school by miss uluwiyah, the time is yours.
Ladies and gentleman the
presentation from the chief of committee to Mr. Nurhuda, the time is yours.
Ladies and gentleman, let’s we
join presentation.
The first presentation is from the
chief of Darussalam boarding school
Blokagung. To KH. Ahmad hisyam syafa’at the time is available.
The second presentation is from
person responsible for a pupil, to Drs. Ainurrofiq, the time is yours.
And the third presentation is from
the regent of Banyuwangi to Mr. H Syamsul hadi, the time is available.
Audiences in the same aqidah.
Let’s listen together about
benapit commemoration prophet Mohammad birth day will be given by the leader of Syuriyah NU,
to KH. Hasyim muzadi, the time is available.
Reading of praying by KH. Dailami
ahmad, the time is available.
By the last praying so finish all
of programs in the commemoration prophet Muhammad birth day to night.
I think that all, please pardon me
بالله توفيق والهداية والسلام عليكم ورحمةالله وبركاته
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته.
اعوذبالله من
الشيطان الرجيم . بسم الله الرحمن الرحبم , الحمد لله رب العلمين والصلاة والسلام
على ا شرف سالانبياء والمرسلين ,وعلى اله وصحبه اجمعين .اما بعد. قال رسول
الله ص م . من اعظم مولدى كنت له شفيعا يو
م القيا مة .
KH. Ahmad Hisyam Syafa’at councelor and guardian of Darussalam Islamic boarding
school who we have known and we hope his prayer and source.
Ny. Hj Handariyatul Masruroh the chief of women Islamic school Darussalam .
Mr. Syamsul Hadi as the chief of gandaria .
brothers and sisters….
and gentleman.
In the
name of Alloh the most gracious the most merciful, no wise and most beautiful
sentence to speak except thank and pray on to our God Alloh almighty by saying
alhamdulillahirobbil’alamiin in this time and place without any obstacle and
peace and God’s blessing be on our prophet and messenger Muhammad SAW who had
brought up is from the darkness to the lightness namely islam.
and sisters…
ceremony mauled nabi saw party that held by PERSAS G3K organization and
gandaria people april sixteen, two thousand and four Masehi. Or Shofar twenty
six fourteen and twenty five Hijriyah. Opened by reciting al-fatihah, in order
that Alloh give us our meeting can run will up finish. Al-fatihah.
second agenda is reading alQur’an, here will be being read by Miss Afiah
Muhtaroh, time is yours.
you very much.
ladies and gentleman.
We step
to third agenda namely is welcoming
first welcome will be spoken by Mr.Rofi’i as the chief of PERSAS G3K
organization, time is yours.
you very much.
second welcome will given by Mr. Samsul Hadi as the chief of Gandaria people, I
would you come forward forum.
you very much.
brothers and sisters.
following is resting.
resting is over.
The next program which we have
been waiting together is some speech about mauled nabi saw by KH. Zainuddin MZ.
From Jakarta… I
would you came forward to the forum.
you very much.
and gentleman.
following agenda is closing or praying.
close our program with read al-fatihah together, in order that has to benafit
now and after.
By the
ok praying, I am as masters of ceremony, I realize that I am common human, I
had mistake and fault so from my deepest heart I ??? please forgive all of my
mistake and foul.
IKSAS English
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته.
اعوذ بالله من الشيطان
الرجيم. بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم. الحمد لله رب العالمين والصلاة والسلام على اشرف
الانبياء والمرسلين وعلى اله واصحبه اجمعين. قال الله تعالى فى كتابه الكريم. بسم
الله الرحمن الرحيم. لقد كان لكم فى رسول الله اسوة حسنة, الاية اما بعد :
Excellency all of religious
scholars special our be loved guardian A. Imam haudli as care taker of darul
falah cottage.
Honorable Mr. Hasan bisri chief of
Darunnajah mosque
Respectable to all of the happy
audience one aqidah.
This opportunity on Friday ten of
april two thousand and four the festival
or the birth day of prophet Muhammad SAW are to our ORDA IKSAS at darunnajah
mosque to cooperate, let’s open by reciting alfatihah together على نيتنا الصالحة الفاتحة
And the continue program is
reading of holy qoran this valuable we have be life to our sister Luluk
yukanah, The time for her.
Ok my happy audience.
The third program is foreword.
- Firstly from the
committee, to our Mr. Muzakki Sag. The time for him.
Secondly from mosque
ta’mir Darunnajah, to our Mr. Hasan bisri
The third foreword,
come from head of district “Semen Dawai
custon tree”, to Mr. Cecep nanang bastomi, the time for him.
Ok ladies and gentleman.
The continue program is resting
and for this will be relaxation by members from kesatria, the time for her.
Thank you very much. Wow it is
really interesting isn’t it? Ok my audience one aqidah.
The fifth program is mau’idotul
hasanah about birth day of prophet Muhammad SAW, to our loved gurdian Imam haudli as caretaker of Darul falah
cottage time for him.
The sixth program is praying
from this prayer the time, we deliever Mr. Abdurrohim. The time for him.
Thank so much may our God blases
our prayer Amiin.
Ok ladies and gentleman, these
after them are our program this sixth. I am as ceremony beg your pardon if we
have mistake thank you very much and let I say you.
S3MR English
عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته.
الحمد لله الذى ارسل رسوله بالهدى ودين الحق ليضهره على كله ولو كره
الكافرون, والصلاة والسلام على خير الخلق محمد وعلى اله واصحابه ومن تبعه باحسان
الى يوم الدين. اما بعد:
1. peace and good is blessing be
on you all excellency KH. Ahmad muzakki syah
to all of religions man,
all of chief of religion
honorable to chief of village
and all official
this night on Saturday date is
may 2 2004 or robi’ul awwal 12 1424 H, in the ceremony reside the birth of
prophet Muhammad SAW, peace be upon him tonight without any troubles.
2. the following second program
is reading holy qur’an will be being read by A’imah abdulloh, the time is
3. the following third program
is welcoming.
The first welcoming in the name
of chief of arga eliting committee will
be being presented by Muthmainnah ikhwan, the time is yours.
4. the following second
welcoming in the name a chief of village or who is his vice Mr. Nur huda, the
time is yours.
5. ladies and gentleman in the
blessing of God. The next of fourth program is speech of religion, will be
being presented by excellency KH. Ahmad muzakki, the time is available.
6. well, happy audience in one
The last program is praying,
will be being chief by Mr. Ainurrofiq the time is available.
7. Happy audience ladies and
Agenda of program in this night
may can bless for us in the world and here after.
I am as MC please for give all
of my mistake and fault and thank you very much.
Finally I say والله الموافق الى اقوم الطارق. والسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
ISBAD English
Excellency all
of ‘alim ulama’ specially KH. Ahmad Hisyam Syafa’at as the leader of Darussalam
Islamic boarding school.
Respectable Mr. Harry setiawan as
the regent of jembrana.
Honorable Mr. Nurhadi as the
leader of Pengambengan.
Happy audience ladies and
Opportunity on the festival birthday of prophet Muhammad SAW on
Saturday 17th of April 2004 formally we open this opportunity by
reciting Alfatihah,
على نيتنا الصالحة
Reading of
holy qur’an the best reader of Darussalam Islamic boarding school by Miss Nur
The time for her.
Ladies and gentleman.
The next program is committee
speech by Miss Lutfiatul muniroh.
The time is yours.
All of the audience ladies and
Now, the next program is speeches
The first speaker by KH. Ahmad
Hisyam Syafa’at as the leader of Darussalam Islamic boarding school.
The time is available.
The second speaker by Mr.Setiawan
as the regent of Jembrana.
The time for him.
The third speaker by Mr. Nur Hadi
as the leader of pengambengan.
The time is yours.
Happy ladies and gentleman the
next program is Mau’idoh Maulid of prophet Muhammad SAW it will be read by KH.
Abdul Ghofar as the speecher of Rogojampi.
The time is available.
The last program is praying it
will be read tge regent of MUI from Jembrana by KH. Asyrofi usman.
The time is yours.
The opportunity was ended it’s
means last of this procession of prophet Muhammad SAW this night.
I apologize to you all of my
اهدنا الصراط المستقيم والسلام عليكم
ورحمة الله وبركاته
OSTIKC English
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
بالله من الشيطان الرجيم. بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم. الحمد لله الذي جعل الدين رباطا
بين قلوب المؤمنين. وامر باتحاد وتعاون, ونهى عن الفحشاء والمنكر والتنازع فى
كتابه الكريم. والصلاة والسلام على سيدنا المرسلين, وعلى اله واصحابه اجمعين.
قال الله
تعالى فى القران الكريم, اعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم. بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم.
سبحان الذى اسرى بعبده ليلا من المسجد الحرام الى المسجد الاقصى الذى باركنا حوله
لنريه من آيتنا انه هو السميع البصير.
اما بعد
Excelency of all ‘alim ulama’
Excellency KH. A.Hisyam syafaat as
the leader of Darussalam Islamic boarding school.
Honorable regent of Banyuwangi Mr.
Ir. Syamsul hadi honorable audience and dear happy brother and sister whom I
love there is not a beautiful word what can we deliver this night as human live
just thank to God who has been giving the mercies and blessing until we can to
meet together in this of isro’ mi’roj our prophet Muhammad SAW. It’s was hold
by organization by student by able bodies.
Sholawat and salam just to our
prophet Muhammad SAW. The last massanger of Alloh who has guided and saved the
human life fron the darkness to the justice from the politheism to the
lightness and out of human life from the darkness to the ligness namely islam
relegion in this truth.
Dear my audience ladies and
By allow of Alloh Friday night on
seventeen of April 2004 Masehi. To concide with on thirteen of Robi’ul awwal 14
25 Hijriyah. The program of isro’ mi’roj our prophet Muhammad SAW. Formally
open by program bellow.
The first agenda is opening, let’s
open our agenda by reading alfatihah may our tonight, something be able to run
well by allow of Alloh على نيتنا الصالحة,
Now we step to the second agenda
namely reading holy qur’an it is going to be read by Mr. Fauzan ihsan, the time
is yours.
Thank so much for the reader.
The third agenda is cimmitees
perfact of Isro’ mi’roj prophet Muhammad SAW it is going to be deliver by Mr.
Imam nawawi, the time is yours.
Thank so much for the reader
The fourth agenda is resting.
Dear my audiences, ladies and
gentleman, resting is up.
The next agenda is the aim of
isro’ mi’roj our prophet Muhammad SAW. It is going to be deliver by Mr. KH.
Ahmad hisyam syafa’at. The time is available.
Thank so much for him.
Dear my audiences, ladies and
The last agenda is closing or
praying. It is going to be deliver by Mr. KH. Muslimin. The time is yours.
Thank so much for him.
And this what can I conveyed and
as chair woman. If I had been mistakes on it. I would like you to pardon me and
thank you very much for your attention and the last I say….
والسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته.
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركا ته.
لله الدى انعم علينا بنعمة الايمان والاسلام وارسل رسوله على كافة الامم .
والصلاة والسلام على سيدنا محمد خير الانام وعلى اله واصحبه الكرام .اما بعد
Excellency KH. Ahmad hisyam syafa’at
syafa’at the chief of Darussalam Islamic boarding school Blokagung.
Excellency the leader of syuriyah
NU East java KH.Masduki mahfudz from malang.
The honorable Ir. H. Syamsul hadi
the regent of Banyuwangi and his members.
And all my loving audiences in
In the name of Alloh the most
gracious and the most merciful no word nice spoken in this opportunity, except
thank, to our god, lord and king of the king of the world. Who has given us his
mercy and blessing, till we can meet together, in commemoration of the bird, of
our prophet Muhammad peace be open him tonight without any troubles.
Peace and solution be with to the
noble prophet Muhammad the last messenger of Alloh who has guided us from the
darkness to the lightness and has thought us the real meaning meaning of life.
The big ceremony of commemoration
prophet Muhammad birth day, peace be open him on Friday 12th of
april 2004, let’s open our program by reciting alfatihah together.على هذه النية الفاتحة
Reading of holy qur’an by the best qori’ of Darussalam islamic
boarding school by miss uluwiyah, the time is yours.
Ladies and gentleman the
presentation from the chief of committee to Mr. Nurhuda, the time is yours.
Ladies and gentleman, let’s we
join presentation.
The first presentation is from the
chief of Darussalam boarding school
Blokagung. To KH. Ahmad hisyam syafa’at the time is available.
The second presentation is from
person responsible for a pupil, to Drs. Ainurrofiq, the time is yours.
And the third presentation is from
the regent of Banyuwangi to Mr. H Syamsul hadi, the time is available.
Audiences in the same aqidah.
Let’s listen together about
benapit commemoration prophet Mohammad birth day will be given by the leader of Syuriyah NU,
to KH. Hasyim muzadi, the time is available.
Reading of praying by KH. Dailami
ahmad, the time is available.
By the last praying so finish all
of programs in the commemoration prophet Muhammad birth day to night.
I think that all, please pardon me
بالله توفيق والهداية والسلام عليكم ورحمةالله وبركاته
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته.
اعوذبالله من
الشيطان الرجيم . بسم الله الرحمن الرحبم , الحمد لله رب العلمين والصلاة والسلام
على ا شرف سالانبياء والمرسلين ,وعلى اله وصحبه اجمعين .اما بعد. قال رسول
الله ص م . من اعظم مولدى كنت له شفيعا يو
م القيا مة .
KH. Ahmad Hisyam Syafa’at councelor and guardian of Darussalam Islamic boarding
school who we have known and we hope his prayer and source.
Ny. Hj Handariyatul Masruroh the chief of women Islamic school Darussalam .
Mr. Syamsul Hadi as the chief of gandaria .
brothers and sisters….
and gentleman.
In the
name of Alloh the most gracious the most merciful, no wise and most beautiful
sentence to speak except thank and pray on to our God Alloh almighty by saying
alhamdulillahirobbil’alamiin in this time and place without any obstacle and
peace and God’s blessing be on our prophet and messenger Muhammad SAW who had
brought up is from the darkness to the lightness namely islam.
and sisters…
ceremony mauled nabi saw party that held by PERSAS G3K organization and
gandaria people april sixteen, two thousand and four Masehi. Or Shofar twenty
six fourteen and twenty five Hijriyah. Opened by reciting al-fatihah, in order
that Alloh give us our meeting can run will up finish. Al-fatihah.
second agenda is reading alQur’an, here will be being read by Miss Afiah
Muhtaroh, time is yours.
you very much.
ladies and gentleman.
We step
to third agenda namely is welcoming
first welcome will be spoken by Mr.Rofi’i as the chief of PERSAS G3K
organization, time is yours.
you very much.
second welcome will given by Mr. Samsul Hadi as the chief of Gandaria people, I
would you come forward forum.
you very much.
brothers and sisters.
following is resting.
resting is over.
The next program which we have
been waiting together is some speech about mauled nabi saw by KH. Zainuddin MZ.
From Jakarta… I
would you came forward to the forum.
you very much.
and gentleman.
following agenda is closing or praying.
close our program with read al-fatihah together, in order that has to benafit
now and after.
By the
ok praying, I am as masters of ceremony, I realize that I am common human, I
had mistake and fault so from my deepest heart I ??? please forgive all of my
mistake and foul.
IKSAS English
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته.
اعوذ بالله من الشيطان
الرجيم. بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم. الحمد لله رب العالمين والصلاة والسلام على اشرف
الانبياء والمرسلين وعلى اله واصحبه اجمعين. قال الله تعالى فى كتابه الكريم. بسم
الله الرحمن الرحيم. لقد كان لكم فى رسول الله اسوة حسنة, الاية اما بعد :
Excellency all of religious
scholars special our be loved guardian A. Imam haudli as care taker of darul
falah cottage.
Honorable Mr. Hasan bisri chief of
Darunnajah mosque
Respectable to all of the happy
audience one aqidah.
This opportunity on Friday ten of
april two thousand and four the festival
or the birth day of prophet Muhammad SAW are to our ORDA IKSAS at darunnajah
mosque to cooperate, let’s open by reciting alfatihah together على نيتنا الصالحة الفاتحة
And the continue program is
reading of holy qoran this valuable we have be life to our sister Luluk
yukanah, The time for her.
Ok my happy audience.
The third program is foreword.
- Firstly from the
committee, to our Mr. Muzakki Sag. The time for him.
Secondly from mosque
ta’mir Darunnajah, to our Mr. Hasan bisri
The third foreword,
come from head of district “Semen Dawai
custon tree”, to Mr. Cecep nanang bastomi, the time for him.
Ok ladies and gentleman.
The continue program is resting
and for this will be relaxation by members from kesatria, the time for her.
Thank you very much. Wow it is
really interesting isn’t it? Ok my audience one aqidah.
The fifth program is mau’idotul
hasanah about birth day of prophet Muhammad SAW, to our loved gurdian Imam haudli as caretaker of Darul falah
cottage time for him.
The sixth program is praying
from this prayer the time, we deliever Mr. Abdurrohim. The time for him.
Thank so much may our God blases
our prayer Amiin.
Ok ladies and gentleman, these
after them are our program this sixth. I am as ceremony beg your pardon if we
have mistake thank you very much and let I say you.
S3MR English
عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته.
الحمد لله الذى ارسل رسوله بالهدى ودين الحق ليضهره على كله ولو كره
الكافرون, والصلاة والسلام على خير الخلق محمد وعلى اله واصحابه ومن تبعه باحسان
الى يوم الدين. اما بعد:
1. peace and good is blessing be
on you all excellency KH. Ahmad muzakki syah
to all of religions man,
all of chief of religion
honorable to chief of village
and all official
this night on Saturday date is
may 2 2004 or robi’ul awwal 12 1424 H, in the ceremony reside the birth of
prophet Muhammad SAW, peace be upon him tonight without any troubles.
2. the following second program
is reading holy qur’an will be being read by A’imah abdulloh, the time is
3. the following third program
is welcoming.
The first welcoming in the name
of chief of arga eliting committee will
be being presented by Muthmainnah ikhwan, the time is yours.
4. the following second
welcoming in the name a chief of village or who is his vice Mr. Nur huda, the
time is yours.
5. ladies and gentleman in the
blessing of God. The next of fourth program is speech of religion, will be
being presented by excellency KH. Ahmad muzakki, the time is available.
6. well, happy audience in one
The last program is praying,
will be being chief by Mr. Ainurrofiq the time is available.
7. Happy audience ladies and
Agenda of program in this night
may can bless for us in the world and here after.
I am as MC please for give all
of my mistake and fault and thank you very much.
Finally I say والله الموافق الى اقوم الطارق. والسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
ISBAD English
Excellency all
of ‘alim ulama’ specially KH. Ahmad Hisyam Syafa’at as the leader of Darussalam
Islamic boarding school.
Respectable Mr. Harry setiawan as
the regent of jembrana.
Honorable Mr. Nurhadi as the
leader of Pengambengan.
Happy audience ladies and
Opportunity on the festival birthday of prophet Muhammad SAW on
Saturday 17th of April 2004 formally we open this opportunity by
reciting Alfatihah,
على نيتنا الصالحة
Reading of
holy qur’an the best reader of Darussalam Islamic boarding school by Miss Nur
The time for her.
Ladies and gentleman.
The next program is committee
speech by Miss Lutfiatul muniroh.
The time is yours.
All of the audience ladies and
Now, the next program is speeches
The first speaker by KH. Ahmad
Hisyam Syafa’at as the leader of Darussalam Islamic boarding school.
The time is available.
The second speaker by Mr.Setiawan
as the regent of Jembrana.
The time for him.
The third speaker by Mr. Nur Hadi
as the leader of pengambengan.
The time is yours.
Happy ladies and gentleman the
next program is Mau’idoh Maulid of prophet Muhammad SAW it will be read by KH.
Abdul Ghofar as the speecher of Rogojampi.
The time is available.
The last program is praying it
will be read tge regent of MUI from Jembrana by KH. Asyrofi usman.
The time is yours.
The opportunity was ended it’s
means last of this procession of prophet Muhammad SAW this night.
I apologize to you all of my
اهدنا الصراط المستقيم والسلام عليكم
ورحمة الله وبركاته
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